
About KiaraSims4Mods

My name is Kiara. I have been a Sims fan since the first game of The Sims! I never modded until Sims 4 and this was because I got tired of requesting my mods. I am happy to share my mods with the Simming Community. The mods I like to create strictly impact the gameplay of the Sims 4!

To view my mods, look at the drop-down menus at the top of each category or you can search for a mod using the search sidebar on the right side of the page. I am happy to take your requests as I use to be a mod requestor over the years. Check out my sidebar for more information.

Just to let you know I will always do my part in making sure my mods are up to date as possible. Simming is actually a job for me because of the amount of work I put into them but I also work full-time outside of my Simming job.

I hope you enjoy my mods! Take care!

KiaraSims4Mods All Rights Reserved 2019: Do not claim my mods as your or own, or share, re-upload, or otherwise distribute my mods without my permission.

16 thoughts on “Home

  1. Hello! I really enjoy your mods, and have a lot of fun with Firefighter career! 😀 Thank you

  2. I just wanted to drop by and say thank you so very much for updating your mods in such an amazing time frame! You have A LOT of mods and that last update was a wrecker for quite a bit of modders. I enjoy using all your mods especially the interactions and traits! Our sims need all the life they can get and I just love that your traits and interactions help! Thank you again!

  3. hi! i was wondering if you have trait packs or if you have to download each trait you want one at a time?

      1. Hi i was wondering if there was a way i could see all of the careers that are base game compatible. there are alot of careers i wanna get but i don’t have any packs because they are super expensive lol.

      2. Every careers post has a description and at the top of that description, it includes required packs at the top. If it has a pack it will say it otherwise it will say Base Game Compatible.

  4. Hi Kiara ,
    i just wanted to say, thank you for your creativity and the hard work you put in into your active careers i cant play my game without your mods fr , have you ever thought of making the News Anchor Career an active career mod ? i thought that’d make for a very fun game play

  5. Hello i was using your mega interactions mod and i want to redownload it but i can’t seem to find any download link, pls help and thank you.

    1. Mega interactions mod? If you mean the merged interactions, that is only available for Patreons.

  6. i love your mods so much<3 would you ever consider making bundle packs? for example, the retirement home lot trait, career, and personality trait bundled into one? it would make it much easier to install all together. thank you!

    1. No, because not everyone wants to download the mods as bundle. If you want a mod, you can always down it individually and use them together.

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